Sunday, March 2, 2014

wanting wisdom.

certain aspects of my  life have been rather difficult lately. i've been trying to figure out how to handle a lot of doubt, anger, bitterness, and pure frustration. i've been reading "A Heart Like His" by Beth Moore. it's a study on the life of david. in comparing saul and david, i see a great comparison of worldly wisdom {saul} and Godly wisdom {david} and the effects it has on a person's life.

why saul failed as king
.values other people's opinions over God's
.refused to take responsibility for actions
.look for easy way out
.disrespect God
.thought anger and jealousy were okay; build up in imagination

why david succeeded
.feared God, so didn't fear what others could do to him
.took God's opinion over opinion of others
.confidence was in God
.when upset he:
  2.cried aloud
  3.poured out his complain to God
  4.rehearsed his faith in God
  5.longed for God's presence
  6.confessed his desperate need

by the way- i am not nearly finished with this book, so there will be more insights to come :)

as i've been dealing with all this mess, i've been trying to figure out what true wisdom is, where it comes from, and how to use it to make decisions. last week, my pastor at REVO Church spoke on James 3, which gave me a clear picture of wisdom... totally an answered prayer.

what wisdom is not
"for where there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there will be disorder and every vile practice." James 3:16
{{this totally reminded me of saul and his life. he was not wise, using the gifts that God had given him and his life was full of disorder because of that.}}

what wisdom is
"but the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy & good fruits, impartial, and sincere." James 3:17
{{if you know much about david, this is reminiscent of his life. though he does make mistakes, he was a very wise and God-honoring man.}}

as i have been making decisions that will greatly affect my future, these concepts and verses have been such a guiding force in helping me not only make decisions, but how i handle the process. 
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  1. Very insightful! Best of luck & prayers for your decisions.

  2. thanks! i appreciate your prayers :)
