

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


I'm baaaaack!! Whew, I needed a bit of a break, but I think I may have things together now. Ha, yeah right... 

So here's the deal:

I am still focusing on my new business, so if you'd like fashion advice or services, head on over to There you can find outfit inspiration and what my business is all about. Tutorial videos are coming soon!! You can also check out my instagram to see what I'm wearing each day and the random photos from my life.

This website will be dedicated more so to my faith & life in general. What recipes I'm trying... and how they fail (idk how to cook, so you can laugh along with me when I completely mess something up, lol.), the things I'm learning through life, and Hao & I's travels (I already have a trip to post about! Can't wait to share soon!).

I won't post every day, or even every other day. My goal is to post 3 times a week. I figured out that I was stressing myself out with what to post every day and needed to take some time to figure out how to balance my life out a little bit and re-evaluate what I wanted this blog to be. I want it to be a place where I can document what is going on in my life. Where I can share my thoughts on life & growing in my walk with Christ, as well as the blunders and joys of everyday life. 

To start my first post, I know it's a little late in the year (only a few weeks, right?!), but I wanted to share my goals for 2015:
1. Exercise 2-3 days per week 
2. Continue to have quiet times each morning 
3. Cook dinner for Hao and I 3 nights a week and take lunch to work at least 4 days per week- this includes meal planning 
4. Practice Chinese 2-3 nights per week (This is so I can communicate easier with Hao's family & when we have kids, I really want them to learn it as well- which will be easier with two parents speaking the language.) 

I wanted to call them goals, not resolutions. Resolutions tend to fade away in my mind, but when I think of goals, I think of the future. 

Glad to be back. I missed y'all :) 

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