

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

spray tan honesty and outfit previews

i tried the Versa Spa spray tan the other day. it was my first spray tan ever, and it was actually pretty easy! i chose the versa spa pro. that came with the regular spray, the extra leg spray, and the lotion spray. i chose the medium bronzer since this was my first time. the woman that worked there recommended that i get the bronzer instead of the clear so that i could see immediate results. she was right, it looks good! 

the people there were super friendly and helpful. there was also a video in the booth that explained everything i needed to know to do it right, even though i still made a few rookie errors.


me the day before & me the day after: look! no streaks! i think the biggest difference in these photos are my legs and face. 

though i did experience one snafu... 
i accidentally spread my hands too far apart. #usererror 
>>before i scrubbed and after i scrubbed<<
i'm quite impressed with what a pumice stone, some exfoliant, and a little bit of elbow grease can fix. they look a little bit more even on the right side, don'tcha think?!

i absolutely love the way my legs look!! 
>>before, right after with the bronzer, the day after<<

my arms just the right amount darker. 
>>before, right after with the bronzer, and the day after<<

>>the versa pro machine. the screen on the left gives you the direction video & the numbers are where you put your feet.<< 

rookie tips:
>>make sure you put enough repellent cream on your palms and cuticles
>>make sure both your arms are spread apart the right amount

>>smells good
>>not orange
>>no streaks
>>safer than a tanning bed
>>doesn't get all over clothes/sheets
>>get quick, if not instant, results
>>comfortable process 

>>it takes a little bit of skill to stand just right 

 would i do it again? youbetcha, though i'd try to make sure i put both hands in the spray this time ;) 

spray tan c/o versa spa, but opinions are all my own


  1. Haha, love the tutorial & tips! I've never gotten a spray tan but have always been intrigued!

  2. I tried the mystic and liked it! But would love to try the versa!! Where did you have yours done??

  3. I've never tried the mystic. Hmm... maybe I'll try that next! I got it a Palm Beach Tan in Thruway off Stratford Road.

  4. Thanks, Sarah! This was my first time too, and I made a few rookie mistakes, but I really liked it! You should definitely try it!
